Hello! My name is Thomas Karpiniec and this is where I put my software projects and writing nowadays.
Some ways to get in touch:
- Email: tom.karpiniec@outlook.com
- IRC: thombles on OFTC or libera.chat
- On air: VK7XT
About me, briefly
I'm a programmer who lives in Tasmania, Australia. A cross-platform generalist, I've recently done a lot of work mesh networking smartphones via Bluetooth LE and other means. I remain unconvinced whether inventing smartphones was a good idea.
Given the choice, I enjoy working in Go and Rust. I don't use AI or any other automatic plagiarism tools in my writing or software development.
I was once an AV/automation tech and did a lot of unusual work at MONA. One of my assignments was to waterproof a microphone so it could be buried in a worm farm. I also wrote the script that told Julius Popp's bit.fall which words to display. It was widely misreported to be showing Google searches; in fact it was taking words from Google News Australia's RSS feed. It's probably been changed since.
I'm a sucker for the "good old days" of the internet. Maybe they never really existed. We can still try to bring them back, right?